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About indo
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Using indó
Using indó
What's a Duet?
What Can You Do in a Duet?
How Do I Invite Someone to Duet?
What more can I do with Duet in the future?
Can I be in a Duet with more than one person?
Why can’t I see any electronic documents from the person I’m in a Duet with?
Under 18
How Can Teenagers Open an Account in indó?
How can my teenager get electronic ID?
How do I know if my teenager has opened an account with indó?
Where can I see an overview of my teenager’s transactions?
How We Define Gambling
Can I open an account for my child?
Transferring large amounts from indó to another bank (over 25 million ISK)
Using the card in your phone
How do I activate my indó card in Apple Pay?
How do I add activate the indó card in Google Pay?
Where can I pay with Google Pay?
Where can I pay with Apple Pay?
If I buy a new phone, do my cards transfer between phones?
Does it cost anything to use Apple Pay?
See all 11 articles
The indó card
How do I transfer my indó card?
Promoted article
How do I reopen my card if it gets locked?
Promoted article
Is it possible to link the indó card to Meniga?
Can I deposit cash at Indó?
Can I change the PIN number on my card?
How do I find the PIN number for my card?
See all 10 articles
The indó app
Where is the Online Chat?
What is the maximum ATM Withdrawal Limit?
How can I configure notifications in the app?
Where can I generate a statement of transactions for my account?
Where can I find the national register in the indó app?
I got locked out of the app, how do I get back in?
See all 16 articles